Segregated Funds

What are segregated funds?

Segregated funds combine many of the features of a mutual fund, with elements of an insurance contract. They include guarantees and advantages that are not available with traditional mutual funds and are only available for purchase through an insurance company. One of the biggest advantages of a segregated fund is an easy estate transfer. In a segregated fund policy, you can name a beneficiary. Upon your death, if you have named a beneficiary other than your estate, the proceeds are paid directly to the beneficiary bypassing probate. Probate can be a time consuming and expensive legal process as most governments charge a costly probate fee. Having the proceeds of the policy paid directly to your beneficiary reduces the stress on your loved ones, making it a very effective estate planning solution.

Just like ‘by passing’ a probate, Seg funds allow a list of benefits not available with mutual funds. These are listed as follows.

An Additional protection for your investments.

A segregated fund policy includes both a maturity guarantee and a death benefit guarantee. These guarantees range from 75% to 100% of your principal investment, depending on the guarantee option you select. For the maturity guarantee to apply, your principal investment must remain in the policy for a specified time-period, usually 15 years. The death benefit guarantee applies on death. In both cases, the higher of the guarantee value or the market value at maturity or death would apply

A Potential for creditor protection.

In the event of bankruptcy or lawsuit, your investments within a segregated fund may be protected from your creditors, provided you’ve named a family member as a beneficiary. This feature is especially important for self-employed professionals and small business owners who want to protect their personal holdings from professional liability

Growth potential and flexibility

Some types of segregated funds include reset options. As the market value in your policy increases, a reset allows you to increase your guarantee values to a percentage of the market value. This feature allows you to protect your original investment, as well as the growth in your portfolio. Keep in mind that a reset could extend the length of time before you are entitled to your maturity benefit guarantee, usually 15 years from the date of reset.

Protect your privacy

One significant advantage that segregated funds is the privacy that they offer you and your beneficiaries. With mutual funds and other types of investments, when you pass away the investment proceeds are paid directly into the estate and are subject to probate. Once a will is probated, it becomes a publicly available record in the province of residence. Segregated funds with a named beneficiary, does not form part of an estate, and therefore the proceeds are paid directly to the beneficiaries quickly and privately.

Please call me or text me and I can provide more information on Segregated Funds at 647-4075731 or 905-369-0222. I can also be reached via email at